WBT Manual
Giovanni A. Fava
Basel, Karger, 2016
This long awaited book provides the first full account and manual of a specific psychotherapeutic strategy for increasing psychological well-being, well-being therapy (WBT), by its developer. The technique is attracting increasing interest since it is the only evidence-based, clinical approach that can be subsumed under the rubrics of positive psychology and psychiatry.
The book consists of 3 parts. The first describes how it developed and how it was validated by a number of controlled trials. The second part outlines the type of assessment that is necessary for its application and provides the treatment manual, session by session, with clinical cases description. The third part deals with the current indications of WBT based on controlled studies and other potential applications: depression, mood swings, generalized anxiety disorder, panic and agoraphobia, post-traumatic stress disorder and the interventions in school settings. It is a detailed clinical account about how to use WBT in those settings. The primary audience is professionals within psychology, psychiatry and other fields of medicine (e.g., rehabilitation). However, because of the focus of the volume on topics of positive psychology and its style of writing, the potential audience may be quite large.
Fava GA: Terapia de Bem-estar. Lisboa, Pactor, 2017 (Portuguese edition)
Fava GA: Psicoterapia breve per il benessere psicologico. Milano, Raffaello Cortina, 2017 (Italian edition)
Fava GA: Well-Being Therapy. Beijing, Chinese Medical Multimedia Press, 2018 (Chinese edition)
Fava GA: Well-Being Therapy. Tokyo, Seiwa Shoten, 2018 (Japanese edition)
Fava GA: Well-Being Therapie (WBT). Stuttgart, Schattauer, 2018 (German edition)
Fava GA: Well-Being Therapy, la psychothérapie du bien-etre. Issy-les-Moulineaux, Elsevier Masson, 2018 (French edition)
Fava GA: Well-being terapia. Budapest, Oriol es Tarsai, 2019 (Hungarian edition)
Fava GA: Esenlik Terapisi: Tedavi elkitabi ve klinik ujgulamalari. Istanbul, Esenkal Yayincilik, 2020 (Turkish edition)