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The Role of Psychological Well-Being in Weight Loss: New Insights from a Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention
Zhu B, Gostoli S, Benasi G, Patierno C, Petroni ML, Nuccitelli C, Marchesini G, Fava GA, Rafanelli C.
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2022 Jan-Apr;22(1):100279
Well-being therapy and sleep hygiene in a non-clinical population of adults reporting poor sleep quality and distress: A remote pilot randomized controlled study
Benasi G, Malik A, Cheng B, Aggarwal B, Shechter A, St-Onge MP. Behav Sleep Med. 2023 Apr 4:1-14.
The Clinical Science of Euthymia: A Conceptual Map
Jenny Guidi, Giovanni A. Fava
The emerging role of euthymia in psychotherapy research and practice
Jenny Guidi, Giovanni A. Fava
Well-Being Therapy and Lifestyle Intervention in Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Giada Benasi, PhD, Sara Gostoli, PhD, Boheng Zhu, PhD, Emanuela Offidani, PhD,
Michael G. Artin, MD, Lorenza Gagliardi, MD, Giovanni Rignanese, MD, Graziella Sassi, BS, RD,
Giovanni A. Fava, MD, and Chiara Rafanelli, MD, PhD
Protocol and methods for testing the efficacy of well-being therapy in chronic migraine patients: a randomized controlled trial
Giovanni Mansueto, Francesco De Cesaris, Pierangelo Geppetti and Fiammetta Cosci
A randomized controlled trial of well-being therapy to promote adaptation and alleviate emotional distress among medical freshmen
Yuan-Yuan Xu, Tong Wu, Yong-Ju Yu and Min Li
BMC Medical Education
Conceptual and Clinical Innovations of Well-being Therapy
Jenny Guidi & Giovanni A. Fava
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy volume 14, pages196–208 (2021)
The pursuit of euthymia
Giovanni A Fava, Jenny Guidi
World Psychiatry. 2020 Feb;19(1):40-50.
Sequential Combination of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment and Well-Being Therapy in Depressed Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Randomized Controlled Trial (TREATED-ACS Study)
Rafanelli C, Gostoli S, Buzzichelli S, Guidi J, Sirri L, Gallo P, Marzola E, Bergerone S, De Ferrari GM, Roncuzzi R, Di Pasquale G, Abbate-Daga G, Fava GA.
Psychother Psychosom. 2020;89(6):345-356.
Well-Being Therapy for Recurrent Depression and Chronic Pain
Erik Rotterman, Jesse H Wright
PMID: 31537000 DOI: 10.1159/000502848
Well-Being Therapy for Depressive Symptoms in Chronic Migraine: A Case Report
Giovanni Mansueto, Fiammetta Cosci
First Published January 27, 2021
The clinical role of well-being therapy.
Guidi J, Rafanelli C, Fava GA.
Nord J Psychiatry. 2018;72(6):447-453
Well-being therapy in depression: New insights into the role of psychological well-being in the clinical process
Giovanni A Fava, Fiammetta Cosci, Jenny Guidi, Elena Tomba
PMID: 30445901
Well-Being Therapy in a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa
FiElena Tomba, Lucia Tecuta
Psychother Psychosom. 2016;85(6):369-370.
Well-Being Therapy: Current Indications and Emerging Perspectives.
Fava GA.
Psychother Psychosom. 2016;85(3):136-45.
Well-Being Therapy in a Patient with Panic Disorder Who Failed to Respond to Paroxetine and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Fiammetta Cosci
Psychother Psychosom. 2015;84(5):318-9.
The sequential combination of cognitive behavioral treatment and well-being therapy in cyclothymic disorder
Giovanni A Fava, Chiara Rafanelli, Elena Tomba, Jenny Guidi, Silvana Grandi
Psychother Psychosom. 2011;80(3):136-43.
Increasing psychological well-being and resilience by psychotherapeutic methods
Giovanni A Fava, Elena Tomba
PMID: 19807860
Well-being therapy of generalized anxiety disorder
FGiovanni A Fava, Chiara Ruini, Chiara Rafanelli, Livio Finos, Luigi Salmaso, Lara Mangelli, Saulo Sirigatti
Psychother Psychosom. 2005;74(1):26-30.
Rating well-being and distress.
Rafanelli, C., Park, S. K., Ruini, C., Ottolini, F., Cazzaro, M., & Fava, G. A. (2000)
Stress Medicine, 16(1), 55–61
Well-being therapy. A novel psychotherapeutic approach for residual symptoms of affective disorders
G A Fava, C Rafanelli, M Cazzaro, S Conti, S Grandi
Psychol Med. 1998 Mar;28(2):475-80.